"The Life of a Pioneer"
Really? This is a real song?
It appears they have become a parody of themselves.
i don't know if anybody has seen this (or if anybody cares).
but it seems that some of the "new" new songs have been leaked by somebody at bethel.. just a bit of a warning, do not click on that vocal rendition of song 142... it is awful.
"The Life of a Pioneer"
Really? This is a real song?
It appears they have become a parody of themselves.
judicial committee invitation comes, with be there or be square consequences.. ( come or we will df you ).
what are the sure fire, tested and true tactics that will keep the elders off your back?
( for good ).
An open question to anyone who went the attorney/legal action route of making a JC "go away". . . . .
Did you just threaten legal action? Or did you actually have an attorney waiting in the wings? If so, an what kind of attorney (anti-defamation?) did you use?
the laws that the archbishop were criminally charged under, the laws of the state of new south wales, are the exact same laws that watchtower are under by reason that they are located in the state of new south wales.. .
adelaide catholic archbishop philip wilson has been charged with concealing child sexual abuse.. the charges relate to hunter region paedophile priest jim fletcher, who worked with the archbishop in nsw in the 1970s.. .
wilson announced in a statement he would take leave from his position after being notified of the charges filed against him by nsw police.. nsw police said its operation, strike force lantle, launched in 2010, investigated allegations of concealment of serious offences related to child abuse by clergy "formerly and currently attached to the maitland-newcastle diocese of the catholic church".. they alleged that wilson, 64, concealed a serious offence.. he is due to appear in the newcastle local court on april 30.. wilson is a former bishop of wollongong, where he was known as a "healing bishop" for his handling of child-abuse scandals.. wilson to 'vigorously defend innocence'.
Any Jehovahs Witness reading this would say, Oh, that's right! Sexual abuse is just rampant in the church and they try to hide it. . .
but change it from the Archbishop to Watchtower and they would say, This Peter Gogarty just has an axe to grind. He must have fell in with apostates. . .
and now for something completely nerdy,.... http://www.piday.org/.
reading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
I have friends in the city who have been involved with cart/table witnessing since the pilot "Manhattan" project. They have told me that they do "place" a lot of literature and that mostly religious crazies talk to them (trying to convert THEM!)
I asked them how many people had "come into the truth" or started attending meetings as a result of cart witnessing in the past three (or four now?) years of doing this work.
Answer: zero.
does anyone have any links to how the mormons (or ex mormons for that matter) view the changes that the wts has made over recent years, especially the growth of jw.org and characters like caleb & sophia?.
have they noticed?
do they see similarities?
does anyone have any links to how the mormons (or ex mormons for that matter) view the changes that the wts has made over recent years, especially the growth of jw.org and characters like caleb & sophia?.
have they noticed?
do they see similarities?
on the paragraph about meditation in today's study, i gave a comment about "meditating with a view towards mindfulness and awareness of the positive things in our lives.".
afterwards, about 8 people that i rarely talk to in the congregation came up and expressed how much they appreciated that point.. wanted to say, "thank the buddha.
" but didn't have the guts.
news report.
man found dead at jehovah's witness facility.
the daytona beach news-journal.
Ye of little faith!
It APPEARS as though Jehover did nothing to protect this poor soul working hard in His service. . . . ..
When in fact, He protected him SPIRITUALLY. . . . . 😉
well, i told my wife over the weekend i was going to go back school to finish my degree.
she is 100% supportive of it!
apparently she doesn't think higher education is so evil either.. since my former major was computer programming and that was in the late 1990's, i was told i'd have to retake a bunch of classes since times have changed.
Go for it CAPPYTAN!